Saturday, March 21, 2009

Third Appointment

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today is the day I start my Invisalign journey. In the past six weeks, while waiting for the trays to arrive, I did go to the dentist and had my teeth clean...start fresh.

After I checked in, I went back to meet with Brenda. She showed me my first trays (a series of clear aligners that are custom-made for your teeth) and explained how to put the trays in my mouth and how to take them out. Brenda held the mirror and I proceeded to put in my top trays...snap not a problem. The bottom trays were a bit bottom teeth are not aligned. It took a couple times of putting in and taking out of the bottom tray before I could fit the tray on my bottom teeth (quite laughing Julie!), but I finally got the tray on my bottom teeth. Not a problem! This appointment was 45 minutes.

Brenda then explained how to clean the trays and how often. I will need to soak the trays in a solution to keep them clean and shinny. She gave me some tablets (I purchased a box of 90 tablets) which I will put one tablet in water and soak the trays for 15 minutes twice a week. I also will be softly brushing the trays with a toothbrush each time I remove them from my mouth. I think people who have Invisaligns have the cleanest teeth because they are ALWAYS brushing and ALWAYS flossing.

I will have a total of 17 trays and will take only three sets of trays home with me. I wear the first set of trays for three weeks, the second set of trays for three weeks, and the third set of trays for four weeks. I will then see the doctor in 10 weeks (May 21). I am to wear the trays 20-22 hours a day. When I switch my trays I will make sure I put in the next set of trays at night and probably take some Tylenol... I am no spring chicken.

Brenda also explained I will have six attachments and showed me a video of where the attachments will be placed (this will be done at the 10 week appointment).

Attachments are small tooth-colored dots of dental bonding material that are bonded to selected surfaces of selected teeth. The idea is that the placement of the attachments provides an anchor point on teeth around which an Invisalign aligner can firmly grasp. This allows the aligner to direct its forces to the tooth more effectively than it would otherwise be able to do.

This is an example of the attachments...they are the two little dots on the side of the right two teeth.

This is the web address if you would like further information regarding attachments...

Brenda played a video for me showing how my teeth will change and where the attachments will be placed. The picture below shows the attachments in red...the actual attachments are the same color as your teeth. I am not sure where and how those rubber bands are going to fit...guess I will find out at my next appointment.

This is the video that Brenda showed me of my teeth and how they will progress throughout the treatment. She also had a video that show my teeth from the side and you can really see how the overbite will corrected.

I met with the orthodontist and once again, he shaved the sides of my front top and bottom teeth. I then made my next appointment...ten weeks.

Now I am on my own...I put in the top trays with no problem...but those darn bottom trays take more effort and moving around (I can hear Julie chuckling). My journey with Invisaligns has begun.

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